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Welcome to Vibrancy!

I'm happy you're here! This is a kind and brave space for you to re/connect with yourself on all levels, be curious about your relationship with your body + mind + spirit + self, and re/ignite your spark. 

What is Vibrancy?

Vibrancy is a counselling experience that honours you in your fullness - all parts of you, even the parts you don't know about or don't particularly enjoy. We know that wellbeing is unique and personal, and we appreciate you thru the lens of your body, nature, spirit, self, and community. 



Our mottos:

Our identities are important, our stories are meaningful, our bodies are wise, and we are worth the effort it takes to heal.

Who do we work with?

Anyone (any gender, any age) who is interested in understanding their own wellness thru the lens of their body, nature, spirit, self, and/or community. 


We especially offer support for clients in getting to know their body experiences, whatever they may be, and anyone who is wanting to get to know themselves on a deep, gentle, and nuanced level. 


These are the areas that we have the most experience supporting:

Body Trust

Eating Disorders




Body Dysmorphia

Disordered Eating




Body Image

Body Liberation




What do we do?

We've got lots happening and much more planned! 

Individual Therapy




Movement classes

Somatic Circles

Meet your team

Vibrancy is a one-person show at the moment, so the team is just me, Deidre!


(If you're a professional working in this field and want to join the team, be in touch, as we will be expanding and I am always eager to collaborate!)

deedle on beach in tofino.jpg

Our Values

What are our anchors, the things that ground us and that we find important?



Honouring you and your experiences, honouring the preciousness of your journey, honouring the therapeutic relationship, honouring the land upon which we practice, honouring our bodies, and honouring our nature.  



Appreciating your wisdom, knowledge, expertise, bravery, capacity, and energy.


Appreciating your unique experiences, and your unique ways of knowing yourself and the world.



Always, always, always being in a space of curiosity, wonder, and awe. Always!

We are both co-researchers, exploring your life together. 



Coming back into your body + nature means a return to simplicity - getting to know yourself, your  nervous system, your grounding, your roots. It means coming back to what you know, slowing down and listening to your inner knowing, and being very patient and gentle with yourself. 



Emotional Sustainability is important to us - we've been burned out and we don't encourage it! 

Financial Sustainability is important, too, which is why we always offer you a curated fee for your own needs that can change as you need it. 



Vibrancy = your life force

Creativity, colour, play, imagination, energy, experimentation - these are the framework of our work. 

Vibrancy = life energy!


When we ask you, what's your vibrancy - we mean: What brings you to life? What sparks your life energy? And how can we help you honour that?

Our framework

We are grounded in intersectional feminist therapy, which helps us see and appreciate all identities and experiences (and thank the feminist voices whose tenacity allows us to able to practice in this way today).  We resonate with somatic therapies, which invite us to honour, respect, and engage your body's innate wisdom and knowing.  We vibrate with curiosity and thank narrative therapy for giving us the tools and deep questioning to explore your intersecting narratives and give energy to the stories you may have dismissed or forgotten. We also have so much gratitude for Body Trust for giving us the intersectional lens with which to honour your body experiences even that much deeper. We embrace transpersonal psychotherapy because we know we are all more expansive than our limited narratives would have us believe. And we look to ecotherapy to help us inhabit and nurture this beautiful land that we call home, and to call upon the nature that surrounds us to be part of our healing team. Existential therapy also brings us into a deeper, more nuanced, more philosophical way of being with each other and understanding the world. And above all, we are client centered and deeply in awe of you. Because working on yourself is NOT EASY and requires brave practice. 

Land Acknowledgement

(with appreciation to First Light NL for their guidance with these words)


At Vibrancy, we respectfully acknowledge that we live and work on the ancestral territories of the Beothuk. We acknowledge the island of Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland) as the unceded, traditional territory of the Beothuk and the Mi'kmaq. And we acknowledge Labrador as the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Innu of Nitassinan, the Inuit of Nunatsiavut, and the Inuit of NunatuKavut.

We recognize all First Peoples who were here before us, those who live with us now, and the seven generations to come. As First Peoples have done since time immemorial, we strive to be responsible stewards of the land and to respect the cultures, ceremonies, and traditions of all who call it home. As we open our hearts and minds to the past, we commit ourselves to working in a spirit of truth and reconciliation to make a better future for all.

We are grateful for being able to practice on this beautiful land. 


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